Supporting Materials for PBL

Gizmos and Gadgets  |  Books  |  Safety Information  |  References

Gizmos and Gadgets for PBL

The gizmos and gadgets are sold in kits by Arbor Scientific. For high school, there are two kits:
Kit 1 PK-0100
Kit 2 PK-0110

For middle school, there is one kit: Kit PK-0300

For elementary school, there are two kits:
Kit 1 PK-0200
Kit 2 PK-0210

The contents of all the kits are shown below.

High School Kits:

The High School Physics Kits support the lessons and experiments found throughout NSTA's book, Using Physics Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 9–12: Phenomenon-Based Learning. Two kits are available and each includes about 25 tools to support lessons in angular momentum, buoyancy, magnetism, pressure, energy, and more.

What’s included in the high school physics kits:

Kit 1 PK-0100

Atmospheric Mat
Pressure Globe
Hollow Prism
Super Bottle Rocket Launcher
Atmospheric Pressure Cups

Laws of Thermodynamics
Reversible Thermoelectric Demo
Elasticity of Gases Demo
Fire Syringe
Drinking Bird
Ice Melting Blocks

Colliding Steel Spheres
Euler's Disc
Happy / Unhappy Balls
Crookes Radiometer
Magnetic Accelerator
Dropper Popper

RGB Snap Lights and Spinner
Quantitative Spectroscope
Primary Color Light Sticks

Set of 8 Boomwhackers
Sound Pipe
Music Box Mechanism
Standing Wave Apparatus
Singing Rods w/ Rosin

Vertical Acceleration Demonstrator
Ballistics Car
Introductory Energy and Motion Lab
Air-Powered Projectile
Angle Wedges
Launch Pad

Kit 2 PK-0110

Solar Bag
Boat & Rock
Galileo's thermometer
Cartesian Diver
Poly Density Bottle

Angular Momentum
Rotating Platform
Extreme Gyroscope
IR-Controlled UFO Flyer
Perpetual Top
Power Ball Gyroscope

Magnetic Field Model
Clear Compasses
3D Magnetic Compass

Electromagnetic Induction
Lenz's Law Apparatus
World's Simplest Motor
Electromagnetic Flashlight
Deluxe Hand Crank Generator
1 Farad Capacitor

More "Cool Stuff"
Doppler Ball
Flying Cow
Fun Fly Stick
Energy Ball
Bernoulli's Bag

Middle School Kit:

The Middle School Physical Science Kit is ideal for supporting the lessons found throughout NSTA's book, Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 6-8: Phenomenon-Based Learning. The kit contains about 25 ‘cool tools’ that work in conjunction with the book’s instructional approach, which encourages students to first experience how the gadgets work and then become curious enough to find out why.

Products Included:

Tuning Forks (256, 384, 426.7, 288, 320 Hz)
Standing Wave Apparatus
Sound Pipe
Music Box
Doppler Ball

RGB Snap Lights and Spinner
Primary Color Light Sticks
Giant Prism

Radiation Cans
Ice Melting Blocks
Ball and Ring
Drinking Bird
Fire Syringe

Atmospheric Mat
Pressure Globe
Super Bottle Rocket Launcher
Atmospheric Pressure Cups

Steel Sphere Density Kit
Boat & Rock
Solar Bag
Cartesian Diver

Force, Motion and Energy
Pull back car
Balancing bird
Inertia Apparatus
Vertical Acceleration Demonstrator
Energy and Motion Lab
Happy/Unhappy Balls

It's Science, not magic
Doppler Popper
Bernoulli Bags
Fun Fly Stick
Energy Ball

Elementary School Kits:

The Elementary Physical Science Kits are ideal for supporting the lessons found throughout NSTA's book, Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos, Grades 3-5: Phenomenon-Based Learning. The two kits contain about 22 ‘cool gadgets’ (with four of most of them) that are perfect for Phenomenon-Based Learning, which encourages students to first experience how the gadgets work and then become curious enough to find out why.

Books Supporting PBL

What student—or teacher—can resist the chance to experiment with Energy Balls, Ice Melting Blocks, Vertical Acceleration Demonstrators, Fun Fly Sticks, and other fun gadgets? The experiments in the Phenomenon-Based Learning series cover topics such as pressure, gravity, energy, velocity, and many more. The phenomenon-based learning (PBL) approach used by the authors—two Finnish teachers and a U.S. professor—is as educational as the experiments are attention-grabbing. Instead of putting the theory before the application, PBL encourages students to first experience how the gadgets work and then grow curious enough to find out why. Students engage in the activities not as a task to be completed but as exploration and discovery. The idea is to help your students go beyond simply memorizing physical science facts. Using Physical Science Gadgets and Gizmos can help students learn broader concepts, useful thinking skills, and science and engineering practices (as defined by the Next Generation Science Standards). And—thanks to those Energy Balls and Fun Fly Sticks—both your students and you will have some serious fun.

Links to PBL books in the NSTA Store

High School Book

Middle School Book

Elementary School Book

All PBL Books


Safety Information

Doing science through hands-on, process- and inquiry-based activities/experiments helps to foster the learning and understanding of science. However, in order to make for a safer experience, certain safety procedures must be followed based on legal safety standards and professional best safety practices. Throughout the PBL books, there are a series of "safety notes" which help to make it a safer learning experience for students and their teachers. In most cases, eye protection is required. Safety glasses and/or safety goggles noted must meet the ANSI Z87.1 safety standard. When doing other recommended activities found on-line at the end of each chapter, make sure appropriate safety precautions are taken. For additional safety information, check out NSTA's “Safety in the Science Classroom”.

References (Also see references on specific topics below.)

·      Bobrowsky, M., 2007, The Process of Science...and its Interaction with Non-Scientific Ideas, American Astronomical Society, Washington, D.C.

·      Champagne, A.B., Gunstone, R.F., & Klopfer, L.E. 1985, "Effecting changes in cognitive structures among physics students," in H.T. West & A. L. Pines (Eds.), Cognitive structure and conceptual change. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

·      Chi, M.T.H. & Roscoe, R.D  2002, “The Processes and Challenges of Conceptual Change,” in Reconsidering Conceptual Change: Issues in Theory and Practice, M. Limón and L. Mason, Editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston.

·      Crouch, C.H. & Mazur, E. 2001, “Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and Results,Am. J. Phys., 69, 970.

·      Dale, E. 1969, “Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching,” Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

·      Donivan, M. 1993, “A dynamic duo takes on science.” Science and Children, 31(2), 29-32.

·      Enger, S.K. and Yager, R. E., 2001, Assessing Student Understanding in Science: A Standards-Based K-12 Handbook, Corwin Press, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA

·      Jacobs, H. H., Ed., 2010, Curriculum 21 Essential Education for a Changing World, ASCD, Alexandria, VA

·      Meadows, Donella H., 2008, Thinking in Systems – A Primer, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, VT

·      McTighe, J. and Wiggins, G., 2013, Essential Questions – Opening Doors to Student Understanding, ASCD, Alexandria, VA

·      National Research Council, 2011, A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas, National Academy Press, Washington, DC

·      National Research Council, 2000, Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards:  A Guide for Teaching and Learning, National Academy Press, Washington, DC

·      National Research Council , 2000, How People Learn – Brain, Mind, Experience, and School, National Academy Press, Washington, DC

·      P-16 Science Education at the Akron Global Polymer Academy

Comments from Faculty at the University of Helsinki


About Phenomenon-Based Learning (PBL)

Deep learning and understanding are the goals of phenomenon-based learning.


Curiosity improves learning


Communication styles in the classroom

Lehesvuori, S., Viiri, J., Rasku-Puttonen, H., Moate, J. & Helaakoski, J. 2013, “Visualizing Communication Structures in Science Classrooms: Tracing Cumulativity in Teacher-Led Whole Class Discussions,” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50, 912-939



“ is also important that the teacher should be able to change the preplanned type of talk if necessary. He or she should be sensitive to the students’ ideas and act accordingly. This ability to guide classroom discussion effectively is one of the main signs of the expert science teacher, as Leach and Scott (2003) and Ryder et al. (2003) have also indicated.  Also Tabak and Baumgartner (2004) stressed that in science education there should be a balance between different discourse forms.  But the different talk patterns are nor learned if they are not explicitly taught and discussed (Crespo, 2002; Penick & Bonnsetter, 1993). "

Viiri, J. & Saari, H., 2006, “Teacher Talk Patterns in Science Lessons: Use in Teacher Education,” Journal Of Science Teacher Education, 17, 347-365


Finnish schools will begin reorganizing their classrooms during the 2016-2017 school year based on the country's new National Curriculum Framework. Some classrooms in Helsinki, the country’s largest city, have already begun the process, according to The Independent.

The National Curriculum Framework serves as a broad outline for educators, and requires that for at least a couple of weeks each year, educators use “phenomenon-based teaching" -- an approach that emphasizes broad interdisciplinary topics rather than single-subject classes.


Heterogeneous student groups

Faris, A.O. 2009, “The Impact of Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Collaborative Learning Groups in Multicultural Classes on the Achievement and Attitudes of Nine Graders towards Learning Science,” ERIC Number: ED504109

Full text PDF:


Kim, H. 2015, “Effects of Science and Engineering Practices on Science Achievement and Attitudes of Diverse Students including ELLs,” NABE Journal of Research and Practice, V. 6.


Lastly, a misconception that relates closely to my teaching is that only certain children are equipped to learn in this kind of educational setting. In my experience, children from all backgrounds, and especially those at risk of poverty-related academic, emotional, and social difficulties can benefit greatly from the structure and flexibility that PBL offers. Using this strategy, teachers decide on project topics that connect to their students’ background knowledge, including personal experiences. Students then participate in creating and evaluating their learning experiences. When children are happy, they learn better. Resilience can then build within the community through the joy of learning — a hallmark of PBL.

— Tatyana Zhukov


Motivating students through curiosity

Strong, R., Silver, H.F., & Robinson, A. 1995, “Strengthening Student Engagement: What Do Students Want (and what really motivates them)?” Educational Leadership, V. 53, No. 1


Peer Instruction

“Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and Results,” Crouch, C.H. & Mazur, E., Am. J. Phys., 69, 970-977, 2001.

"Effecting changes in cognitive structures among physics students," Champagne, A.B., Gunstone, R.F., & Klopfer, L.E. In H.T. West & A. L. Pines (Eds.), Cognitive structure and conceptual change. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1985.

“The Processes and Challenges of Conceptual Change,” Chi, M.T.H. & Roscoe, R.D in Reconsidering Conceptual Change: Issues in Theory and Practice, M. Limón and L. Mason, Editors. ,Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, 2002.


Phenomenon-Based Learning in Action

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